Join Kate, Mickey and friends as they “Go Live”
This“Full Moon” is Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Take the time appreciate everything you have in your life. Remove yourself from all negative emotions by feeling gratitude for your life. We can take the time to appreciate all the positive people in your life. This is a time to set your crystals out in the cleansing energies of the full moon. We encourage you to journey with us, releasing what isn’t working for you and calling in all your desires.
Sit back and enjoy the journey!
Journey #19 (Meeting your Source Self) can be found here:
Burt Goldman – goldman Teacher or The Silva Mind Method and Quantum Jumping.
#Moon #FullMoon #Live #Belief #Lawofattraction #Youcreateyourownreality #reality #meditation #spiritual #astrology #astralbody #astraltravel #Release #manifest #warrior #power #relationship #fears #desire #2024 #March #doppelganger #BurtGoldman #Seth #thesethmaterial #healing #abundance #receive #receivingmode #givingback #payitforward