Spring Equinox & New Moon

Hey today is also a “Palindrome”. Here is what I found about it. On March 20, 2023, the collective will experience the first and only official palindrome date (aka it reads the same way backwards and forwards) of the year: 3/20/2023. Palindromes are special because they’re incredibly rare — and, from a numerology perspective, incredibly beneficial. Because of this, the spiritual meaning of March 20, 2023 holds *major* significance, especially since it’s the same day that Aries season, or the start of the astrological new year, begins.

Breaking down the parts of this auspicious date, the number 3 is linked to vitality, excitement, and creative energy; it’s also the number of new thoughts and ideas, making any day in March (the third month of the year) the perfect time to embark on a new plan or endeavor. The number 2 is said to increase intuition and sensitivity. Since March 20, 2023 is comprised of both of these numbers, you can expect a surge in clairvoyance, as well as a boost in vibrancy and enthusiasm.

In numerology, there’s also the angel number 23, which indicates innovation, progress, and change. This makes total sense, considering Aries season starts the same day. We can talk about all this and more on Speaking with Kate at 1:30 pm EDT today.

Join Kate and Mickey as they go live at https://www.facebook.com/groups/speakingwithkate #Number #meditation #astrology #equinox #newmoon #intentions

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